The Journal

Category: Editorial

A few sustainable seconds on why sustainability matters

We just released our annual Sustainability Report. And if you follow us on the regular, you know that we put a lot of work into this matter because it matters — a lot.

The Journal - Black Denim Thumbnail
Unbound by genre: the black denim silhouette

Fashion has always been an integral part of music, maybe not as crucial as beats, chords, words, and melody. But no matter which decade or genre you dip the proverbial toe in, clothes have been a massive part of the artist's personae. And the black denim silhouette reigns supreme.

The Naked Truth About – Johan Åberg
The Naked Truth About – Johan Åberg

When Johan Åberg found the indigo molecule, he fell in love with it. His passion for this organic dye compound has led to creating a blue universe.