The Naked Truth About — Joel Albertsson

Meet our friend [Joel]( When Joel was a kid, he either wanted to become a pirate or — a tattoo artist. The latter seemed easier and today he works in his own tattoo studio in Gothenburg.

We paid a visit to Joel’s studio [Kosmos Tattoo]( and caught him in action together with his now well-worn Nudie Jeans selvage apron. When we were done at the studio we took the opportunity to follow Joel to his countryside home, where he gave us a tour of his dream project, a project that is to help him with his pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle.

Nudie Jeans presents The Naked Truth About [Joel Albertsson]( — Gothenburg, Sweden.

The Naked Truth About – Johan Åberg
The Naked Truth About – Johan Åberg

When Johan Åberg found the indigo molecule, he fell in love with it. His passion for this organic dye compound has led to creating a blue universe.