Reports & Policies

For our daily business and sustainability work, we have several policies that serve as a framework and guidance.

Reports & Policies

For our daily business and sustainability work, we have several policies that serve as a framework and guidance.

Sustainability Report

For our daily business and sustainability work, we have several policies that serve as a framework and guidance.

Every year we summarize our efforts in a yearly report. The sustainability report contains more details about how we work with materials, production, and the products as well as Nudie Jeans as a workplace. It also contains our challenges and goals for the future. Nudie Jeans' sustainability report for 2022 reflects the activities performed at the Head Office in Gothenburg's own retail stores and subsidiaries but also includes the impact we create through our production suppliers in Italy, Portugal, Tunisia, Türkiye, Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, and India.

The denim industry has a high impact on local communities and the environment, and we work the best we can to minimize the negative effects and contribute with positive impacts where possible, in a social, economic, and environmental manner. We hope that by sharing and being transparent about our work we will inspire others to take responsibility for their full product where the impacts occur. We have mapped our value chain and identified where our biggest impacts lie and which topics we need to report on. We start from the GRI standards and the Sustainable Development Goals and have identified our most important stakeholders as customers, suppliers, and employees.

Read the latest Sustainability Report

Social Report

As a member of FWF we annually report on our performance. In the social report we summarize the previous year and the activities at supplier level. We are transparent about the findings at the social audits and the complaints received at our suppliers.

"Making sure that our product is made under fair working conditions have been a top priority since day one for Nudie Jeans and is always a key factor in the decision-making process both strategically and operationally. The daily work consists of continuous improvements, via audits, follow ups and innovations as for example the living wage program."

/ Joakim Levin - CEO

Read the Social Report

Brand Performance Report

As a member of FWF, we annually report on our performance. In the Brand Performance check, you'll find detailed information on how we work with improving conditions at our suppliers and how we work internally on sustainability, from planning, execution, and follow-up. At the latest Brand Performance check, we were ranked in the good category.

Read the Brand Performance Report

Responsible Business Conduct

The Responsible Business Conduct is a complement to the policies listed below and aims to reaffirm our commitment to conscious and liable business conduct in full respect of the key principles of the more specific policies. Nudie Jeans Responsible Business Conduct Policy is to define a framework for our business practices upstream and downstream. The framework will help us to navigate our work as responsibly as possible. The Nudie Jeans Responsible Business Conduct Policy ensures that our business contributes to lesser environmental and social impacts as much as technically, economically, and practically possible within the scope of our business.

Read the Responsible Business Conduct

Material Tool

The Nudie Jeans Material Tool aims to guide our designers and product developers. The Nudie Jeans Material Tool is based on Made-By’s Environmental Benchmark for Fibers and the Higg Materials Sustainability Index (MSI).

Read the Nudie Jeans Material Tool

Code of Conduct

To ensure that all Nudie Jeans products are produced under fair working conditions and with sustainable methods, we have a Code of Conduct that applies to all parts of the production chain. The Code of Conduct is based on international regulations set by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and includes the Code of Labor Practice used by Fair Wear Foundation.

Read the Code of Conduct

Chemical Policy

The Nudie Jeans Chemical Policy holds both the RSL (Restricted Substance List) and MRSL (Manufacturing Restricted Substance List). The Chemi-cal Policy is revised annually to stay relevant.

Read the Chemical Policy

Human Rights Policy

Nudie Jeans endeavors to take responsibility for the full product. This means we want to take responsibility from the raw material to the end of life of the product.

We are responsible for selecting suppliers that can guarantee that no one involved in our production – whether supplier or subcontractor– is denied their basic human rights or suffers any injury. The Human Rights Policy is in place to make sure we live up to these expectations.

Read our Human Rights policy and anti slavery statement

Animal Welfare Policy

Nudie Jeans' ambition is for all animals to live under good animal husbandry practices, based on the Five Freedoms of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). We believe that no animal should suffer from the manufacturing of our products.

Animal Welfare Policy

Climate Policy

In the Nudie Jeans Climate Policy, we outline our commitments regarding our climate work. Nudie Jeans is committed to continuously map all of our greenhouse gas emissions from scope 1, 2, and 3. We have set science-informed targets in line with the 1.5-degree pathway and are committed to creating clear action plans to reduce emissions where possible

Read the latest Climate Policy

Living Wage Policy

Fair wages are a core priority for Nudie Jeans. In the Living Wage Policy, we describe our work for higher wages in our supply chain.

Read our Living Wage Policy

Sourcing Strategy

The Sourcing Strategy describes how we select new suppliers. The strategy is based on core values and takes into consideration democracy, the environment, anti-corruption, human development, and global peace in the countries from which we source.

Read our Sourcing Strategy

Sustainability Policy

In this policy, we define our overall sustainability strategy. We want to contribute to sustainable development by reducing our environmental impact as far as technically, economically and practically possible within the scope of our business.

Read our Sustainability Policy