The Making of a Canadian Tuxedo: Month 3

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Only 3 months of wear and we’re seeing results that most people would spend 18 months and fat wad of cash to develop. Let’s just say that hard work does pay off. This is the next installment in the 12 month break-in journey.

April journal entry:

Work has been crazy. Long, 9-10 hour days. Building some very specific custom homes. It’s been a challenge on a skill level, which is good. Its a perfect time to grow in my abilities.

Weekends have also been full of travel adventures. One to Vancouver to check out the international car show and one just to leave the city to get some solitude.
Most days now are in its mid 20’s, Kelowna couldn’t be any better weather wise.

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A few sustainable seconds on why sustainability matters

We just released our annual Sustainability Report. And if you follow us on the regular, you know that we put a lot of work into this matter because it matters — a lot.

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Unbound by genre: the black denim silhouette

Fashion has always been an integral part of music, maybe not as crucial as beats, chords, words, and melody. But no matter which decade or genre you dip the proverbial toe in, clothes have been a massive part of the artist's personae. And the black denim silhouette reigns supreme.