What the FAQ - Why shouldn’t I wash my jeans too often?

A question thrown our way quite frequently is, "Why shouldn't I wash my jeans too often"? So, what are the perks of letting your jeans stay unwashed, and are there other methods one to freshen them up besides a washing cycle?

In this episode of What the FAQ, Kevin will help you down the delicate path of denim and laundry.

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What the FAQ - Do jeans get looser with time?

Will jeans get looser over time? It wouldn't be a stretch to state that they probably will.

What the FAQ - Does Nudie recycle jeans?

One of the missions here at Nudie Jeans is for all Nudie jeans to be taken care of before and after purchase. This means we must recycle and develop techniques with our manufactures for incorporating recycled Nudie Jeans fabrics into our collections.

What the FAQ - Will vinegar stop my jeans from fading?

In this episode of What the FAQ, we tackle one of the most peculiar questions we have had sent in to date ­– “will vinegar stop my jeans from fading?”