New Official Repair Partner: Liquor Store, Birmingham

We have once again extended our promise and added a new Official Repair Partner. This time around, we welcome our long-time friends and Birmingham’s finest: Liquor Store.

We’re proud to have Liquor Store onboard. We share a mindset regarding responsibility and care for the garments you sell. Offering free repairs on all Nudie Jeans forever and their ethos of “buy well once” definitely feels like a no-brainer.

So, when in Birmingham, do as the Brummies, get your Nudie Jeans from Liquor Store, and return whenever you need repairs.

Repairing jeans.
New Official Repair Partner: Art & Science, Jakarta

With great humility, pride, and gratitude, we present [Jakarta’s Art & Science]( "Art & Science Jakarta") as a new Official Repair Partner.