In our heads: Martin Sandklef

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In the 90’s he had long hair and was a singer in a band. Today, Martin Sandklef is our IT Coordinator. We asked him what’s really good at the moment.

– I just discovered this website with Chinese indie bands called Far Out Distant Sounds. In a way you get thrown back to the 90’s. These bands are breathing new life into a scene that’s been kind of lost to me for some time. There’s so much charm in this, and it makes me want to re-discover bands like Sonic Youth and Afghan Whigs.

– On a different note, I’m very happy about my new apartment. I’m going all in flea market.

Check out Far Out Distant Sounds

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Curated By Peanut Butter Wolf

In late 2019 a few of us from the Nudie Jeans Brand Marketing Team were in Los Angeles for the ComplexCon event held in Long Beach. While in LA, we had the opportunity to meet up with Peanut Butter Wolf, the founder of the legendary record label Stones Throw Records.

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Curated By Caley Vanular

Today's guest curator is Caley Vanular, an entrepreneurial surfer, snowboarder, and creative director. Caley hails from Ontario, Canada, and competed in snowboarding for 23 years before pursuing a more artistic role in the world of snowboarding.

Curated By Raghd

We recently spent a day in the studio with Raghd, the 21-year-old singer, rapper, producer, and soon-to-be Göteborg royalty.